If there is one thing you can bet your money on and always come up a winner it is that a stringy haired Latina is always going to suck your cock better than her Mrs. Clairol Caucasian counterpart. I am so convinced this is true I won’t even permit a discussion on the subject. If you need proof, I have it.
Go to this exGF porn tube and tell me I am wrong. Look up videos like this one of a hot amateur Latina sucking a big cock. This is how "normal" Latin women suck dick. She isn’t some porn star Barbie girl. She is a real bitch with a taste for cum.
There are a lot of ex-girlfriend videos on that site that will prove my point. Search for Latina and you will see what I am talking about. I know, I know. I wasn’t going to get so heated about this, but I hope my point has been made. If you want your cock sucked like a professional marry a Latina woman. The greasier the hair, the better!