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Posted By admin on 07/24/15 - Bookmark Hidden Bedroom Cams

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I had this tasty little slut over at the house the other night. She was hanging around a bar by my house and I got her a little wasted. After we left the bar we headed on over to my pad where I had a nice little surprise for her. No, I am not talking about my cock. That thing is seven inches long. The little surprise was a nanny cam I had gotten that was stuffed into a teddy bear. I was going to film this bitch tasting my manhood.

As you can see she took off her top and walloped me with her huge titties. Damn those suckers were big! They were capped off with puffy nipples too. All in all this bitch was practically made for rearing children!

She kept looking at my nanny cam. I could tell she was wondering why a grown man had a stuffed teddy bear next to the couch. I told her it was my nephews. He liked to come visit his uncle and left it behind… sadly.

Now, if I was that little whore I would have walked over and inspected it, but no! Like a true estrogen filled slut she bought my cute story and even looked sad for my little nephew I don’t have.

Watch the video on I uploaded it along with hundreds of amateur sex movies!

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